The Ministry of Defense and a team of partners between the agencies led by the FBI participated in repeating the prominent fishing exercise to verify the team's ability to collect evidence to support the presidential decisions during the nuclear attack scenario.
“Not only does the prominent fishing series the technical capabilities of the United States government are only testing, but also works as a mechanism to enhance soft skills for cooperation and teamwork between federal, state and local partners,” said Susan Fernsi, Assistant Director of Arms at the FBI.
Participants included the National Nuclear Security Department of the Ministry of Energy, the FBI and the Ministry of Defense. In particular, from DOD it was the 20th army CBRNE driving and the Air Force Technical Application Center. These agencies together formed the National Labor Labor Division of Nuclear Criminal Land.
A prominent chase took place from January 26 to 31, 2025, near Cenichtadi, New York, and in the surrounding provinces in Albani and Saratoga.
“The Earth's collection team is responsible for collecting nuclear land samples near the bombing site and transporting those samples to DOD laboratories for analysis.
The results of this analysis, along with the inputs of the intelligence community, allow the US government to discover who is the party responsible for the bombing.
“These skills and technical tools prohibit potential perpetrators – including state sponsors of terrorism – not to disclose their identity and ensure that they will fully salute. Victory hunting exercises are the key to showing these capabilities,” said Winden Smith, Assistant Director and Deputy Control of Advance Assumption.
Koler said that the United States publicly shows its ability to reveal the accountable parties with a deterrent effect. It is not only about to find guilty parties after the attack; It comes to telling opponents in advance that they will be discovered.
“The national technical nuclear medicine is part of the nuclear deterrence by correspondence to our opponents that the United States government has the ability, in the event of a nuclear bombing,” Koler said.
In the early first decade of the twentieth century, Congress commissioned nuclear medicine to respond to terrorist attacks on September 11. One of the goals was to enhance the ability to use criminal evidence from nuclear debris to discover from the nuclear bombing inside the neighboring United States, but those explosions focused on prominent research are not from nuclear missiles like those that may come from an aggressive nuclear nuclear nation.
Timothy Jacomb Hood, the great scientific advisor of the nuclear issues office, said when people think about nuclear bombings, their first ideas are ballistic missiles and attacking aircraft. However, nuclear forensic medicine focuses on deterring attacks by terrorists using an improvised nuclear device or by countries that plan to deny responsibility for the attack. These types of attacks will not be tracked from launch within a nation.
If a nuclear bombing occurred in the city, the Earth Collection Squad will be necessary to understand where it came from and how it has reached there. Jacomb Hood said that without collecting evidence on Earth, it is difficult to determine the perpetrator of these types of bombings.
“In these scenarios, you are less confident, and you need to know the complete confidence that was responsible for this attack so that we can inform our senior leaders, and they can determine the appropriate response.”
In addition to the use of forensic medicine to detect the perpetrators of the nuclear bombing, nuclear medicine is also used to determine the origin of nuclear or mutual or recovered materials, or radioactive devices.
Radio fingerprints
After this bombing, the Earth Collection Squad is the collection of the evidence necessary to help find officials. In particular, Jacumba Hood said that what they are looking for is radioactive wreck. Unique signatures in uranium or plutonium can help identify the nation it has created.
“We are looking for these radiological fingerprints, those unique things for different countries, to be able to return to where the nuclear weapon came,” he said.
He said that in some cases, it is easier to determine that some radiological materials cannot come from a specific nation. Even the elimination of potential countries enables the intelligence community to be more successful in determining where the radiological materials came from.
To collect radioactive evidence, the Earth Collection Squad must know the place of searching for it. Part of the team's ability is to predict the best place to search for evidence.
“When a nuclear bombing occurs, you see the traditional mushroom cloud. In that cloud is the debris we want to collect,” said Jacumba Hood. “But we need to do different models of bombing and local weather to determine where the best debris (he) will be.”
He said that this effort involves collecting information about the location of the explosive device when it was detonated, and the extent of the return on, then compared to the weather models to find the wind direction and the wind speed so that a decision can be made about the best place to collect the debris.
Jacumba Hood said: “(Air Force Applications Center) uses this to find out the location of the twentieth CBRNE university.” “They go to multiple sites to get a group of different samples that are then used, in laboratories, to determine through the various scientific processes that was the original device.”
He said it is not just a set of radioactive evidence that occurs, there are other methods as well. In a real parking, the air force collects the mobile widow by air using aircraft, and there are also inputs of satellite data.
He said, “We will combine all these data together, all that scientific data, then collect it with intelligence data and put all these different pieces of devices to give our senior leaders an evaluation (who) committed this attack.”
In this recent repetition of the prominent chase, Drew Walter, Deputy Assistant Minister of Defense for nuclear issues, said that the work group in the Earth Group has successfully achieved its goal and its validity was verified.
“The National Technical Nuwaiian Forensic Program recently verified the health of the Earth Collection Square during the prominent research process. Our DOD team has shown their willingness to collect debris samples of forensic medicine, and work with FBI and NNSA Partners. The actor, guarantees the appropriate response options.”
In the coming weeks, Koler said, the department will also produce a post -work review of the exercise.
In August, Koler said, there will be another repetition of the prominent chase. The exercise occurs almost every six months so that the difference that performs the Earth's group remains sharp, and the partnership of sales between agencies is a well -full machine.
Koler said that the Defense Threat Exercise Department was presented to help plan the exercise. To go ahead, DTRA will have a greater role in this part, which will allow the nuclear issues office to focus more on supervision and guidance.