United States mission of the United Nations
Press and General Diplomacy Office
For immediate release
January 27, 2025
Statement of the day of the international Holocaust anniversary
Today, on the day of the International Holocaust anniversary, we honor the memory of six million men, women, Jewish children – and millions of others – they were systematically killed by the Nazis. This official occasion forces us to think about one of the darkest seasons in the history of mankind and reaffirm our commitment to the global values ​​of dignity and human rights.
This year reminds us of the catastrophic consequences of hatred, abstraction from humanity, and indifference. It emphasizes our collective responsibility to ensure that the atrocities in the Holocaust never repeat and combat anti -Semitism wherever it is.
We are debtors with huge debts for Holocaust survivors. Their courage in sharing their stories is a strong reminder of the flexibility of the human spirit and the importance of the witness. It is important to preserve their certificates and educate future generations about the Holocaust – to ensure that its lessons are never forgotten.
Dramatic, we live in a world where anti -Semitism and Holocaust denial are criticized. Modern reports reveal disturbing trends, including the spread of Holocaust distortion and anti -Semitic discourse via the Internet and in public discourse.
These dangerous forms of hatred should be met with unambiguous condemnation and decisive work. The United States stands firmly against these threats, while supporting the definition of the work of the IHRA (IHRA) anti -anti -anti -anti -anti -anti -anti -anti -anti -Semitic principles, which was approved by dozens of countries and multilateral organizations since its launch in July 2024.
While we celebrate the eighties at the end of this year of the end of World War II and the liberalization of Nazi accreditation and death camps, we are reminded that atrocities like the Holocaust are not inevitable; It occurs when hatred spreads and good people remain silent. It is our duty to speak against hatred, protect weakness, and support the principles of justice and human rights.
Let us honor the memory of those who died by committing ourselves by building a world where such horror is impossible. Let's stand united in combating anti -Semitism and all forms of hatred. And let us never hesitate to design to support the promise of “never again.”