HThere was just as long as the mayor of Chicago is not popular like Brandon Johnson? A new poll with a preference classification in 14 percent praise. Political Counselor Tom Bowen precisely said: “This mayor weakens with his hand to the point that eight out of 10 Chicago residents prefer punching in his face instead of his re -election.”
Och. Even with the passage of the two primary years, this type of emotional has already fueled the early tremors for those who may succeed Johnson. We ranked 11th of the competing competing in the ranking of those we think he has the best shot.
1. Alexei Gianaolias, no one believes that Gianolias wants to be the Illinois Secretary of State as his predecessor Jesse White. The perfect hair banker has won the state level elections (he was also an Illinois treasurer), but could this be translated into local success? There is no precedent for a constitutional officer moving to the mayor's seat. However, Giannoulias has a recognition of names (has a license for each driver in Illinois), and an unwanted personality (only I saw a muffled laugh on his way through the recitation of “Hoktuah” and “Axhole” and other rejected licensing panels on YouTube), donation skills Which proved (he has $ 3.3 million in war chest). He was not also afraid of stinging Johnson, describing the “truly crazy” city's recent credit. One of the observers in the city hall says: “If Alexei enters into the race, then the early candidate will be in the foreground because of his personal wealth and the name of the name.” It is likely to run as a moderate, focusing on public services on ideology. But some believe that he watched him on a greater stage, such as the capital (he lost a tour of the Senate of Mark Kerk in 2010) or the ruler's palace.
2. Susanna Mendoza, the state observer nominated the mayor before, in 2019, in the fifth disappointing position. But that was at the height of the Ed Burke scandal, which distorts anyone in his surroundings. She was a repeated critic of the mayor on X, and aldepersons praised his standing and the Johnson administration's sons to show “zero financial discipline”. So yes, you think it can do what is better. “Ninety -five percent in,” says one of the political outlets in North West. “I think it is going in Paul Vallas Len without the luggage of Paul Vallas.”
3. Mike Kogeli, a member of Congress, once said that if he is younger than 10 years, he will consider an attempt to the mayor. Well, he did not get any younger. So what has changed? With the control of the Republicans, being an American delegate is not fun for Democrats as before. But his interest is weak at best. “If the field seems deep, it is outside,” says the northwestern Shamali South. “If Alexei is running, he does not do it.” In his favor: a proven path. His fifth area, which includes parts of the city, north and northwest, is the same as Ram Emmanuel, which he represents in the pre -agent days.
4. Bill Konway, the son of the billionaire became a voice for the moderate in the city council. The Chicch 34 suite in the western episode represents its position in a position that enables it to become a business community candidate. “He has made many friends since he was Aldurman,” says a political advisor. This includes the new Kok state lawyer, Eileen O'Neill Burke, who supported him early.
“Ninety -five percent (Susanna Mendoza) exists. I think it is going in Paul Vallas Len without Paul Vallas' luggage.”
Northwest of the political outlets
5. Brian Hopkins before the second wing became Aldsbuns in 2015, and was the chief of staff of Cook John Dali. “It does not mean to say that the Dali family will be behind him, but he has many friends,” says political advisor. “He is thoughtful, he is smart.” However, the last person goes directly from the city council to the mayor's office is Monroe Heath – in 1876.
6. Anna Valencia, the city writer, “definitely look at her,” says pressure groups with lunch with her two months ago. Valencia won the city levels. However, it is not exactly a high -level office. The fact that she has already lost a race against Giannoulias, does not preach good if they both run. “She has been incorrectly told that she suffers from a shot,” says North Western Adviser. “The Latin vote is not the stormy, and it is not this size – ask Choi Garcia.” Valencia may be more intelligent in supporting Mendoza, then nominating her seat as a sun.
7. The people of Jackson Jackson Emmanuel, former CEO of General Schools in Chicago, who is now the CEO of the Hope Chicago Scholarship Program for Employment. Jackson, who partially left CPS because she is tired of fighting the Teachers Union in Chicago, has recently been making media tours, and argues for more “stability” in education. Certainly, being a mayor gives her a great hand in that.
8. Louis Guterres, after returning to Chicago in 2023 after his short retirement in Puerto Rico, is believed that a former Congress member is giving a serious look, but he will have to overcome Mendoza to vote Latin. He is also competing with a healthy issue: the macular degeneration has degraded its vision. The word is that it is pushed by the lawyer of the Charter Rangel School School.
9. Public transport was the issue of his pet, and made CTA struggles more prominent. But it is a long journey from Capitol the state to the fifth floor.
10. Brendan Riley was the forty -fourth wing in Alson, not binding in running, but conversations like the candidate, and the sun told Johnson that he was “unprecedented” from the “radical left” on his way to become “one” one -time. Riley's chances are harmful: He is not well known outside the city center area. He must give up the city council seat for running, which may make him stop.
11. Lori Lifot, it seems incomprehensible for the former mayor to try to return, bearing in mind that it has not made surface flow the last time. But there was scuttlebutt that it felt a fundraising. A year ago, Lightfoot told Chicago this about the office's contract: “I don't want to do anything like that again.” But she also added that after the first year of mistake by Johnson, she suddenly became “the most popular person in Chicago.”
All these speculation is an enjoyable exercise, but Johnson will not be re -elected not to be a single conclusion. After his progressive base, he may gather enough to force the surface flow, and whoever knows what may happen if Paul Vallas – like a semi -province again. In Chicago's policy, strange things occurred.