Margie Corsak, the Great Lady of the Public Relations Industry in Chicago, died for five decades, at the age of 86.
Broadway in Chicago, the theatrical production company that offers offers for the live stage in five main theaters in the city center, which was represented for years by Mrs. Corsak and the public relations company bearing her name, announced the news of her death on Sunday.
The Chicago Margie Korshak greeting a photographer at Sun-Times in a group of offices on the twenty-seventh floor of the John Hancock Center in 1999 for the Sun-Times feature.
Rich Hain/Sun Times, File
This announcement praised Mrs. Corsak, and described it as “a trailer for women, Chicago and Broadway”, which left behind “the legacy of courage, perseverance and fixed support for the theater” that “will bear generations.”
Mrs. Corsak founded Marji Corsak in 1969, and she told CBS in an interview with 2014 that Bell Witroz in Chicago was the one who planted the idea in her head after she told him that she had found her life a “young housewife”. He looked at me and said: “Marji, you have the greatest gift from Jab. Corsak revealed: “I think you will be great in public relations. Its company soon created a store in the East Ontario Street area, and later in a group of Tony's offices in the John Hancock building.
Her son Stephen Cernov said: “What a corridor was from where she started in 1969. There were not many women.”
The Public Relations Company for Mrs. Corsak – which was once more than 50 partners – will become one of the most powerful companies in Chicago and beyond, which represents theatrical production, restaurants, hotels and celebrities.
“It was the power of nature,” said Bill Zoker, the former Sun-Times writer Bill Zoker. Business has been owned for several decades in Chicago in terms of promoting theater and restaurants. Certainly, we all knew us in the media well in terms of what we were interested in and the types of items that it could be repeated with different journalists. ”
In light of the care of Broadway in Chicago, customers will include for the first time before Broadway for the first time, or the premiere of the musical plays such as “The Devil Wears Prada”, “Boots Kinky”, “Spamalot”, “Shaiseal”, “Hamilton”, “Joseph” and “. PHANTOM of the Opera, “The Book of Mormon” and many others.
“It is just a great loss for the Chicago Theater Society,” said Eileen Laccoa, Vice President of Broadway at Chicago and a business partner for Mrs. Corsak for more than 30 years. It is the end of an era. … we were believed to be a short term in the short term when it came to these big theatrical productions, and it all took us in Broadway in Chicago, with (Marxi design), to change that narration of what Chicago means when it comes to theater. … we are now performing 30 extra per year, and this was not the case 25 years ago. Marxi was an integral part of building a “business model” with us.
The business model resulted in an unprecedented Broadway offer in Chicago, including three and a half years in favor of “WICDED”, and one and a half for “Jersey Boys”.
Margie Corsak was photographed in her office in Chicago in 1976.
Mrs. Corsak Roludix boasted with Hollywood legends and pop culture, whether close friends, agents or both, including Frank Sinatra, Barbara Streisnd, Lina Horn, Liberas, Richard Burton, Lisa Mennelli, Sony and Sony, Henry Fonda, Rob Rob, other Rob.
“I met everything. I am a very happy lady. I was in it for a long time, when the stars come here, they know they will not miss. Mrs. Corsak told the Sun Times in an interview with 1999:
“I conveyed a feeling of magic, but behind it,” said Beth Silverman, a former employee who reached her public relations company. “It was really OG, if you will, and a legend. She said:” I have a young team and I try to transfer the lessons that I learned to them. “
Mrs. Corsak did not eat anything in volunteer work, as she donated with Lin Set Cancer Foundation in Lin Sis.
“Marxi participated with the organization shortly from its establishment 40 years ago, in collecting donations and assisting in organizing parties and public relations,” said Laura Sig, who participated in the founding of the organization. “It was almost every event for decades.”
She was the late democratic policy and former Senator in Illinois Marshall Corsak, and Ms. Korsak five times married, including Chicago's lawyer Michael Cernov, and recently to charitable calculation Charles Corki Godman, Lukin's deputy, Lukagu, Lukagu ​​Corney, was from the “Lovney” serving, which is Lukagu, Lukagu He is Lukago, Lukago, Lovnie Corner, organized crime unions. Mr. Godman preceded her death in 2023.
“She was an inspiration for me in the sense that I am able to get a family and a profession,” said her daughter Susan Cernov, former head of marketing for luxury. “When I was bigger, you didn't see many women like you today in the workforce that perform professional functions at this level.”
Mrs. Corsak survived by her two children, Stephen Churnov and Susan Corsak Churnov.
The memorial is scheduled to be 11 am on Wednesday at the Hennig Chapel's Rosehill Cemetery, 5800 N. Ravenswood ave. The family will fall on Shiva from 1 to 5 pm on Wednesday at Breen Maour Rural Club in Lincolnwood.