Thomas F. Shwengbey Junior runs for the President of the Armington Heights Village in the unified elections on April 1.
the biography
Office sought: Arlington Heights Village President
City: Arlington Heights
Age: 66
Profession: Metal engineer, retired company president
Previous offices held: The Secretary of the village of Arlington Heights since 2019
Why do you nominate this office? Is there a specific problem that motivates you? Also, what makes you the best candidate for this position?
I am involved in the local government so that I can serve the community I have contacted for 36 years. As a specific member of the District Division Appeals Council, and as an elected member of the village council in my second state, I am in a unique position to lead the Arlington Heights to the future. The village has served by listening to the needs of my neighbors, planning strategies, and advanced policies to improve the quality of our inhabitants. Today's Duwaizi is the same as it was 10 years ago, that is, to serve my community.
The village is witnessing an unprecedented rotation in its leadership with the mayor and the four positions of the guardian in voting. As a trusted and experienced leader, my nomination guarantees the continuity of driving while we are directing a new era.
I am the best candidate for the mayor for three reasons. First, I have a clear vision to lead the village to the future. Second, I am devoted to making this vision a reality and I have time to fully adhere to the duty. Finally, I feel confused from any conflict of interests that may prevent me from fully engaging in the duties of the mayor.
What is the most serious problem that your community will face in the coming years and how should the leaders respond to it?
The village is financially safe with excellent bond classifications. During my state as a secretary, for a period of five consecutive years, we did not increase our tax tax. However, the village's infrastructure is a problem, and we are facing challenges by not funded delegations to replace leading service lines, the main aging of water, and flood control.
My priority is the continuation of financial security, which will ensure distinguished services such as the police, fire, and public works for our residents and companies, while maintaining tax increases to a minimum while meeting infrastructure needs in a village.
My vision of the village includes the expansion of our economic base through the growth and development of trade. The cultivation of new business and support for current companies from north to south is the key to this vision.
The development of Arlington Park as well as other vacant properties is a priority. These projects will expand our tax base, increase revenues and study the burden on the population.
We must monitor and process these projects carefully during a comprehensive planning process. As a mayor, I will fully participate in the development of Arlington Park and other projects to secure the best results for the residents of our village and companies.
What are the economic incentives, if any, that Artgton Heights should be ready to introduce Chicago Beers to attract the team's stadium project to Arlington Park? Please explain your logic.
Nowadays, we need more information and commitment from Bears in Chicago regarding its use of the 326 acres of spaces in Arlington Park. In the absence of any suggestion, it is difficult to commit any incentives to push the development of the Earth.
A timely suggestion insurance is a high priority and I will follow it as mayor. Whatever the trend chooses by the bears, it should be a victory for our residents and companies, and we must be on the table to enhance our interests.
Regarding the stadium, I do not support giving Bears Chicago or for this matter any financial incentives for the real estate to build this or any other building in Arlington Park.
We will likely support infrastructure improvements such as water, sanitation and local roads, but this depends on a detailed proposal from the bears. If this project meets TIF criteria or financial support through another means, I will be open to discussion.
If Bears succeeds in developing a new stadium in Chicago instead of Arlington Heights, what kind of development you want to see in Arlington Park? How do you see this benefit society?
The development of Arlington Park is one time a life opportunity for Arlington Heights. The village will place as a regional destination point for visitors from the provinces and the surrounding states. The decision will affect the Arlington Heights for decades to come and must be fully examined to ensure that it is in line with the vision of our society.
The stadium is only a part of the largest proposal for property with an area of ​​326 acres. It is important to consider everything and not only the part.
I definitely know what I do not want to build here, and that's why I supported the overwhelming area we created. The proposal must complete our village from north to south and not detract from it. Ultimately, these decisions will be taken in full cooperation of the village council and employees in a transparent process that includes inputs of our residents and companies.
As a mayor, I will be completely involved in a process of planning and carrying out this process, so that all Arlington Heights celebrate when completed.
How to describe your community financing status? What should be higher priorities for spending during the next few years? Are there areas of spending that need to be reduced?
Nowadays, the village is in a sound financial position. I will work hard to maintain the classification of bonds if I don't improve while overseeing the annual budget planning. We use a village manager who leads the daily operations in our village, which is very important for our success in the future. I think our current government structure serves our needs very well.
The village has many opportunities to develop our society, expand our tax base, and increase our revenues for our residents to pay taxes. Although I don't think it is our only chance, the most obvious opportunity for the village is to develop Arlington Park.
There are other projects that have not started yet, and they must be an immediate priority. In addition, we also need the progress of projects that are already taking place in order not to lose the momentum and we can make the promises that we made to our residents when they started.
Those who say they want to keep things as it is and changes something not far from touch. The village changes, and we must be in front of changes to better control the result. By standing, we still leave the knees. Planning is the key to success.
What do you see is the most important infrastructure project that you must address? Why and how should it be paid? On the contrary, during these unconfirmed economic times, what is the project (the two projects) that can be placed on the back stove?
The most important infrastructure projects are still our main service line replacement program and water aging. With the bulletproof line project, we help share the burden of replace it from the Boufalo Fund to the house with the residents.
As with all infrastructure projects, we are looking for boycott, state and federal grants to reduce the burden on our residents. This may become more difficult to get it through the political environment today, but I will do what is in and and in my pillar to work with the boycott and the state to preserve it. With this in mind, we must make concessions and put some rainwater projects and renew the higher center, but with careful planning, I hope to avoid any serious disorders.
Describe your leadership style and explain how you think it will be effective in producing effective procedures and decisions with your village council.
As a leader, I am respectful of the opinions of others and work cooperatively to achieve consensus. I appreciate the open connection and keep it at the highest level. As a mayor, I will request ideas from the Board of Directors and perform discussions on any and all topics that will improve our society. I will extend this feeling of mutual respect and cooperation with other government agencies in the village, including parks, libraries and schools.
In my experience, mutual respect and open communication enhances confidence that leads to creative solutions. During my time in the village, I saw countless examples of how cooperation contributed to finding answers that were not possible if we were not ready to work together.
As we move forward during this central time in our village, I think my engineering/sales background, the division panel and the experience of the village council associated with my leadership style make me a unique way to enhance cooperation and take measures.
I got the approvals of the village council colleagues, the leaders of the other village government, and our residents in a way that puts me in the leadership of our village as a mayor.
What is the good idea that you have to improve the society that no one is talking about yet?
I have a few!
We have many local events like Summer of Summer, Harmony Fest, Santa Run, etc. There were discussions about the closure of Avenue from the car garage to Campbell Street to improve the experience during these events.
By working with our own commissions of the arts and arts, a room, and the Business Group collection, we can cooperate with the Park area, libraries and schools to expand other events in the village. Ideas include art, antique exhibitions, car shows, winter ice car sculpture, and chalk with local artists. Based on examples of neighboring societies, I think we can do this and more via Arlington Heights.
Nowadays, our village council meets annually with our paintings in our office and Park Park. I suggest that we include annual meetings with our school councils. Working cooperative with these other ruling councils generates ideas that benefit our society and help in creating creative solutions to problems while leading to greater efficiency to provide taxpayer dollars.
Arlington Heights is a welcome community. I was looking for opportunities to expand our image, which is famous for belonging and integration.